

Patient Connect

Patient Connect enables healthcare providers to connect patients easily and deliver better care. Patient Connect reduces no-shows and improves communication, engagement, and experience. Patient Connect features include automated reminders, auto confirm, notification status and insurance status.

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Our Features

Accelerate time to manage, process and obtain insights and intelligence from your data sources.

Patient Forms

  • Create and Customize patient forms.
  • Track patient Resposes on the fly.
  • Maintain Digital Records accesible on one click.

Appointment Reminders

  • Reduce fontdesk efforts
  • Reduces Recall Rate
  • One click appointment confirmations

Insurance Verification

  • Automatic Insurance Verification.
  • Reduces frontdesk efforts
  • Verify Your Insurance on the fly

Why Choose Us?

DS is one of the only 27 Hyperledger Certified Service Providers and one of the only 7 Hyperledger Training Partners in the world.